We provide the following training:
- Vetting course
- Leadership course
- Intercultural relationship course
- Gas measuring equipment course
- Navigational accidents-role games as reflective learning
- Safety Officer course
- Stability, buoyancy, and Construction Strength refresh course
- Enclosed Space Procedures Course
Vetting course
This course is aimed at marine officers and shore company personnel engaged in
vetting inspections of oil, chemical and liquefied gas tankers. The material is based
upon standard vessel inspection questionnaires and discusses the identification of good
practice in addition to regulatory compliance.
The material covers technical, psychological, leadership and regulatory issues
associated with ships’ plant but also the observation of operational practices and SMS.
Safety Officer course
This course is aimed at marine officers and crew engaged in day to day works on board
of any ship. The material is based upon Code of Safe Working Practices on board of
merchant ship and discuses application of them on board.
The material covers Permit to Work system, Risk analyses, Root Course analyses and
other aspects related to safe work. The course can be company specific and include
cross-references between company SMS and SWPMS Code.
Intercultural relationship course
This course is aimed at seafarers working in multinational crews on board the ship.
The material is based upon experience of different companies, working with
multinational crews and underlines the need to understand different national
cultures, customs and traditions, the need of good communication and
management of human resources on board.
Gas measuring equipment course
This course is aimed at marine officers engaged in using of Gas Measuring Instruments
for Atmosphere Assessment in the tanks and other compartments for safe entry, gas
freeing, tank atmosphere quality control also maintenance and calibration of instruments
on board. The material is based upon Requirements of SOLAS, VIQ and ISSGOT and
discusses Good Working Practices and TBS in addition to regulatory compliance.
The material covers theoretical and practical issues associated with atmosphere control
and instruments maintenance, calibration and utilization based on Riken Keiki units.
Navigational accidents-role games as reflective learning
This course is aimed at deck officers engaged in watchkeeping on the bridge. The
material is based upon COLREG requirements and soft skills and discusses the
identification of different root courses leaded to navigational accidents, the role of crew
members forming watch team on the bridge, need of good communication skills and
management of human resources on the bridge.
The material covers psychological and practical aspects in Root Course analyses,
understanding of reasons leaded to accidents, performing role gaming in different
scenarios on bridge simulator to avoid them and application of this knowledge in daily
watchkeeping on the bridge in order to implement safety culture, good operational
practices and SMS.
Leadership course
This course is aimed at marine officers fulfilling managerial tasks on board the ship. The
material is based upon STCW requirements for soft skills and discusses the
identification of different leadership styles in different situations, the need of good
communication skills and management of human resources on board.
The material covers psychological and practical issues in leadership and application of
them in day to day operations on board in order to implement safety culture good
operational practices and SMS.